Thursday, May 19, 2016

May Musings

A dogwood from 

April and May have been very busy months for me.  I did Camp NaNo in April (this time I had a "cabin" with friends...much more fun!) and completed my modest goal of 10,000 words just under the wire.  

Reading has suffered some, but I've compensated this month by trying out some Librivox books more seriously than before.  I give any narrator about five minutes, and if it's enjoyable I listen on; if not, I've decided to give myself full permission to move on to the next one.  It's been a good way to get some stories heard while busy filing, etc.

On the last week of April, after much vacillation about whether or not to do it, I started my own group on Goodreads.  I called it "Vintage Gems" and it's all about the older books I've loved for so long.  Today the eighteenth member asked to join!  I'm so excited to see what comes of it.